Thursday, July 24, 2014

How I Love You

I love you,
Not with the raging intensity
Of a wildfire,
Or the lasting wrath of the ocean
Upon the light-house steps.
Not even the incessant reminder of gnawing hunger.
My love for you is not,
Water rushing out of floodgates,
Nor the freshness of spring
With a calender on its nape.

Rather, my Love,
Is like a river through a city,
Deep and silent.
Like a star, a million miles away
Constant for another million years.
It is indelible,
Like the scar of the first heartbreak.
It is the constant nagging
Of a leaking tap,
Or an inquisitive child.
I love you,
Like a promise of redemption,
With time on my hand,
Like a simple man would,

Vacation Abroad

These waters which kiss my feet
Bring me the news of your vacation abroad,
Begging, clamouring for a poem neat,
Written on your vacation abroad.

It could have been me by your side,
Watching the Pacific sipping wine,
Follow sea gulls shriek and cry
Your words and fingers entwined in mine.

Watching the sky, the light-house glow
Complete the Great Bear joining dots,
Sit side by side, talking slow
Throwing pebbles and picking lots.

Let time flow laden with age,
The morning next come creeping,
Like a child clenching his fists in rage,
On his way to school unwilling.

Cut to present these visions recede,
Like the waves which touch my feet,
It's not me whom you are with,
And the visions remain a poem neat. 

Femme Fatale

Your beauty,
Like a virgin gold-mine
Treasures riches,
And covets death.

Your eyes, darker
Than pregnant rain clouds,
More fickle than Fate
As silent as the grave.

Your kisses are like fairy tales,
Intense and false,
Where happily ever after
Has a witch lurking somewhere.

Your skin of pure gold,
Are the perfumed bandages
Wrapped by the Egyptians
Preserving their dead.

Your voice echoes in Hamelin,
And through sleepless nights
Drew me to,
Selling Bible for Bread.

Your heart,
A rotting cow inside a well,
Feeding the maggots.