Saturday, September 17, 2011


A darkened room, a cloistered soul..
Solitude clad by clothes...
As hands and fingers start talking
Lips do not move
What moves are two shapes...and one and a half empty soul
They try to conquer each has become war...
Its a game of the vanquisher and the vanquished
My shadow in the moonlight wins..smiles and says
You forever will be but a shadow....


Abin Chakraborty said...

doppleganger redux! victor and the monster, marlow and kurtz.the punchline was fab.kudos.

Kerry O'Connor said...

You chose an interesting title for this internal battle of wills.

sayan said...

title??err..most times i do not spend much time choosing one...mostly it is a word or a phrase from the poem itself...:-)
am terrible at naming my poems:-P

Kay L. Davies said...

I love the last two lines.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
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